Will your mature hairline turn into male pattern baldness?

black mature hairline

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How do you know if you’re experiencing a mature hairline? The maturing hairline is something most males experience as they get older. The common misconception is that mature hairline and male pattern baldness are the same thing.

A mature hairline is when there is a noticeable change in the hairline. Changes in hairline usually consist of, even hairline, receding hairline, M-shaped hairline, and rounding of the hairline corners. The hairline changes usually occur between the of 17 through 28 years old in males. In this phase of the male coming of age, the hairline moves back up 1 to 1.5cms during maturing hairline.

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It is easy to mistake the changes in the hairline as pattern bolding, we’ve all been through it! As a young male going through this phase of life it can be scary and confusing times. What can you expect when going through mature hairline vs balding? How do you tell the difference? Continue reading for answers to all these questions. Let’s deep dive and analyze mature hairline.

What is maturing hairline?

So, what the heck is the maturation of the hairline? Most men who experience maturing hairline usually assume they’re going through male pattern balding. This is honestly one of the scariest experiences for a young man undergoing hairline changes.

Look at mature hairline as a coming of age, the hairline shift happens between the age of 17-28 years old. The hairline will slightly recede and may even become uneven even if you aren’t experiencing male pattern baldness.

On average, the hairline moves back about 1 to 1.5cms while in the maturation of the hairline. It’s natural for the hairline to move back from its juvenile state, maturing hairline is the equivalent of a toddler losing their baby teeth. It’s bound to happen! Keep in mind that male pattern baldness recedes far beyond 1.5 cm.


It should be noted that there is only a small percentage of men who retain their “juvenile hairline”. This is the low hairline that boys have.

With that being said, there is no specific age in which a hairline starts to mature, it differs from each individual. In some cases, some males can begin showing signs of a maturing hairline before or even way after the standard age range.

What is male pattern baldness?

Male pattern baldness is very much different from mature hairline. When you think of people who suffer from baldness, the common thought is they lose all their hair and that the end. That is far from the truth! Males who experience male pattern baldness usually go through insecurities, depression, and shame. This is why some men hide their heads with hats, bandanas, and durags. Check out an article that I wrote about men who wear hats and durags together.

So, what is male pattern baldness? Let’s breakdown baldness in men.

Male pattern baldness typically happens because of genetics, stress, diet and male sex hormones. Males who experience baldness usually starts with a noticeable receding of the hairline and hair thinning on the crown. Male pattern baldness occurs when the hair follicle shrinks over time resulting in shorter and finer hair. The hair then falls out and eventually, the follicle does not grow new hair.

Male pattern baldness also called “androgenic alopecia”, which is the most common form of hair loss in men. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), a little over 50 percent of all men over the age of 50 will be affected by male pattern baldness at some point.


Does mature hairline mean that you’re balding?

I mentioned earlier in the article that the misconception of mature hairline and male pattern balding is the same thing. It has even been assumed by young males experiencing maturing hairline is they are balding. That is far from the truth! A male experiencing mature receding hairline can expect their hairline to look uneven, a slight change of hairline position and some hair loss.

With that being said, maturing of the hairline does not mean you are going bald!

A mature hairline is a biological process that the majority (96% or so) of men experience throughout their lives. Again, I need to reemphasize this doesn’t mean that you’re definitely going bald.

However, many men eventually experience some hair loss or baldness as they get older but it’s not due to maturing hairline.

Fun fact you should know is, that the tendency for baldness at the end of your life is separate from your hairline maturation. This means that many men that experience hairline maturation will never go fully bald before they die. This is also true in the opposite effect of mature hairline in men that keep their juvenile hairlines for most of their lives. I know, it’s crazy right!

When do signs of mature hairline begin to appear?

Sign hairline maturation usually appears around the tender age of seventeen. During this time the adolescents will start to experience changes in the way their hairline looks. While in the hairline maturation phase, the hairline will begin to move back.

Though the start of the maturation of the hairline usually begins at seventeen, it is not set in stone. There are instances when the maturation of hairline can start before or after 17 years old, it depends on the individual.

Signs of maturing hairline

  • Minimal hair loss
  • Slight receding of hairline
  • Change of hairline shape

Again, signs are very similar to male pattern balding but do not mean you’re going completely bald by 20. I’m sure you can see why the signs for hairline maturation could easily be mistaken for male balding. That’s pretty crazy, isn’t it?

I remember when I first started to notice signs of changes in my hairline, I was so worried that I was going bald. Those were confusing and scary times for me as an adolescent. There’s nothing wrong with a bald head but I didn’t want to experience mature hairline at 19 years old.

How long does a mature hairline last?

I’m sure if you’re going through the maturing hairline phase, you’re probably wondering how long does it last. This is where the answer gets a little tricky. While maturation of the hairline effects each male individual differently, on average males experience mature hairline about 5 years.

Keep in mind that if your hairline continues to shift and move back well past five years, chances are you’re experiencing male pattern baldness.

So, basically the hairlines of men with male pattern baldness recede beyond the five-year point. Most men experience hair matures over time and are rarely avoidable. Again, I’d like to point out that the length of time and rate of the recession varies by individual. Some men experience a maturing hairline within five years and for others, it may take decades for their hairlines to mature.

My experience didn’t last as long as others, my hairline took about three in half years to fully mature. Believe me, it sounds like a short period of time, but it felt like an eternity while I was going through it. I was one of the lucky ones!

How far does the hairline move back during maturing hairline?

I didn’t keep track of every hair I lost during my experience of hairline maturation, but it felt like a significant amount. When I first notice the hair loss in my hair line during the morning on my pillowcase. I didn’t know what was going on. I’ll be honest, when I noticed the shift in my hairline I thought my barber messed up my edge up.

Most men’s initial thought when they experience hair loss in their hairline is to blame their barber. This isn’t always the case, though it’s not uncommon for a barber to make mistakes. Usually, your barber follows the outline of your hairline during a shape up. This will leave your barber no choice but to either push the hairline back or make your line up crooked.

So, how much hair do you really lose while you’re in a maturing hairline phase?

Through my extensive research, I found that It’s normal to lose an average of 100 hairs a day. However, if you’re losing much more than 100 hairs a day, you may be starting to bald. In this case, you should do what you can to save the hair that you do have. You’ll notice some extra recession near the temples. While a mature hairline does form an m shape hairline, it’s usually not very pronounced.

How can you tell the difference between bald and mature hairline?

Like I mention earlier, there’s a clear difference between male pattern balding and hairline maturation. Usually, the signs of the difference consist of:

  • Length of time – Maturing hairline last about 5 years, whereas the male pattern baldness lasts longer than five years.
  • Amount of hair loss – on average males lose about 100 hairs during mature hairline verse males losing far more than 100 hairs per day for balding men.
  • Distance between original and new hairline – Male who are experiencing hairline maturation tend to notice their hairline move back 1 to 1.5cm from their original hairline position. For men who are going through male pattern balding their hairline moves back 1.5cm or more during their experience.

So typically, the difference between a maturing hairline and males that are undergoing male pattern baldness is the distance that the hair has receded. In a maturing hairline, the entire hairline recedes at about the same distance. This will typically be about 1 to 1.5cm above your juvenile hairline.

These are the most notable differences between mature hairline vs male pattern balding. Hopefully, the comparison breakdown was helpful. Let me know in the comment section if this article is helpful or if there’s anything you’d like to add.

Check out the maturation hairline progression diagram below.

mature hairline diagram

Does loc effect mature hairline in young men?

Honestly, if you are experiencing a mature hairline it isn’t wise to put too much tension on the hairline. I actually wrote an article on the very topic of “Can dreads with fade in front ease tension on the hairline”. I covered what happens when there’s a great amount of stress on the hairline and what it does to your hair.

My concern is during the sensitive time of maturing of the hairline the extra weight could possibly make the hairline move further. There are ways around this concern, in the article that I wrote, I suggested tapering the hairline to reduce tension. That’s just one of the tips that I suggest in order to save the hairline if you have locs.

Hairline that is matured tends to be a weak point during the transformation. The tension from long and heavy locs can cause the hairline to move further back than it would naturally. I caution you and suggest that you pay close attention mature receding phase.

The key to surviving maturation of the hairline is to preserve it as much as possible. That’s the main reason I avoided getting dreadlocks. My older brethren’s hairlines are nonexistent that I just didn’t want to risk the same outcome just to have locs. I’m sure there’s more that caused their hairlines to move past 1cm, but I was unwilling to take the chance.

Does African American mature hairline affect males differently from other races?

Believe it or not, I am asked if the black mature hairline is a real thing. Though black hair texture is different from anyone else, mature hairline affects everyone the same.

Mature hairline black males don’t have a better or worse experience while going through the phase than another race. African American mature hairline still experiences receding hairline of 1 to 1.5 cm and age range of 17 to 28.

Does mature hairline widow’s peak mean that you’re going bald?

So, does a widow’s peak the same as maturing hairline or is it worst does it means you’re going bald? Let me first explain what a widow’s peak is. What is a widow’s peak?

A widow’s peak appears as a V-shaped or M-shaped hairline point in the hairline in the middle of the forehead. The hair growth on the corner of the forehead is suppressed which gives the widows peaks appearance. A widow’s peak will vary on how pronounced it appears.

Some widow’s peaks have a slight difference between the peak of the hairline and the corner of the temple. In some cases, the widow’s peak is extremely deep, in such case, this is a sign of male pattern baldness.

Widow’s peak vs mature hairline

Mature hairline vs widow’s peak, what’s the difference? How can you tell the difference?

  • Mature hairline – The entire hairline moves back about 1 to 1.5 cm during the mature of the hairline phase.
  • Widow’s peak – the center of the hairline stays in position while the corner of the hairline recedes giving it an M-shape or V-shape appearance.

As you see, there’s a clear difference between maturing hairline and widow’s peak. Keep in mind that whether you’re experiencing hairline maturation or widow’s peak it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re balding.

To further explain, if your hairline is about the width of your finger above the top wrinkle about 1 to 1.5cm, you probably have a mature hairline. If the hairline is receding beyond 1.5cm onto your scalp, it may mean you’re balding.

However, the hairline peaks in the center and appear to be shaped like an M or a widow’s peak. The M-shaped hairline may go beyond 1.5cm in the end corners of the temple area. Note that the hair is removed and curves at the young hairline and making the hairline uneven.

Will professional Diagnosis help prevent mature hairline miniaturization?

I know starting a mature hairline at 17 years old can be extremely scary… I mean these are the start of your peak years. The fear of going ball isn’t ideal in your adolescent year. So, is it necessary and can a profession such as a trichologist help you prevent maturing hairline?

  • Trichologist – Is a doctor who’s field of expertise focus on diseases of the hair or scalp. The field of study is called Trichology, which is a branch of dermatology. This is who you would see if you were to seek professional opinion for your maturing hairline.

In my opinion, it is not necessary to go to a trichologist for their opinion at the beginning of mature hairline miniaturization. Your doctor will tell you it’s way too soon to determine whether you’re experiencing the normal shift in the hairline as you age or if it’s male pattern balding.

Even when experiencing mature hairline at 20 is still too early to determine. You should really start worrying it the hairline continues to recede after the age of 27.

However, if you are experiencing a rapid rate of hair loss and your hairline is receding well past 1.5 cm then you should consider seeing a trichologist. The trichologist will go over options available to you and how you can save the hair you still have.

Can hairline maturation be stopped?

Most people who are in the hairline maturing phase often wonder what they can do to stop the process. So, is there anything you can do to stop a mature hairline? What are your options?

I hate to burst your bubble, but there’s no guaranteed treatment that will stop a receding hairline. However, there are health approaches and treatments you may want to think of to keep your hair as full for as long as possible.

Though maturing of the hairline cannot be stopped, it can be slowed down. Let’s look at some of the options that are available in order to slow down the mature hairline.

Options to slow down maturing of the hairline

  • Switch to DHT blocking shampoo – DHT buildup is caused by the increase of sebum (a natural oils created by your scalp). What happens is the sebum blocks your pores, prevent hair follicles from growing hair, it also causes hair follicles to shrink at the root, thanks to the DHT in it.


The DHT blocking shampoo contains ingredients like saw palmetto, biotin, Beta-sitosterol, ketoconazole, pumpkin seed oil, rosemary oil, iron, and vitamin B12 & B6. All of the active ingredients block and remove DHT from the scalp which reduces hair loss. GroMD shampoo I found have worked well for me, you can find it on amazon.


  • Eliminate stress and anxiety – Stress is one of the key factors that speed up maturing hairline, I know it’s easier said than done but reduce stress to keep your hair.


Studies have shown it is possible to lower your stress levels through frequent exercise, time spent outdoor, relaxation techniques, and meditation.


  • Consider medication – Over-the-counter medication for a receding hairline is called minidoxil (Rogaine) can help reduce hair loss during the hairline mature phase. Topical minidoxil has been found to work better than a placebo and in some case regrow hair.


Another option is Finasteride (Propecia) is a prescription medication that lowers the male hormone that can cause your hairline to mature and recede. The tablet can be taken orally, finasteride promotes scalp hair growth and stops hair loss. You can also get Finasteride through Hims.com if you’re unable to obtain through a normal doctor.


The mature hairline isn’t something to be too alarmed about but embraced. As males become older their hairline recedes a little bit, think of it as a sign of coming of age. This is a natural phase for most men!

This article was able to debunk the “black mature hairline” … Men of all races experience hairline shifts as they mature in age. Honestly, I have no clue where mature hairline black men have a different experience from other races came from but it’s false.

Maturing hairline that lasts beyond the 5-year mark should be a concern and can lead to male pattern baldness. In such case, the hairline will recede beyond 1 to 1.5 cm and there will be a noticeable thinning of hair.

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