RECEDING HAIRLINE BLACK MEN: Causes and Best Solutions

black hair products for alopecia receding hairline black men

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Many black men suffer from frontal hair loss known as (RECEDING HAIRLINE BLACK MEN). The androgen DHT is what causes many hair loss cases.

However, it may also be due to their hairstyles (particularly tight frontal locs or cornrows), which strain the hair follicles. If left for an extended period can lead to damaged hair follicles. There are several receding hairline treatment options for black men!

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What you should look for when experiencing receding frontal hairline in American American males

You may notice a receding hairline from the front of your head first. This is because this area has the highest concentration of blood vessels that supply nutrients to your scalp. As these vessels weaken, they’re less likely to nourish the follicles, causing them to shrink and produce weaker, thinner hairs. 

Many options are available for those experiencing thinning or balding issues with their hair. First off, you should always keep an eye on how much stress you’re under. Excessive stress can cause increased shedding, leading to rapid thinning/balding problems if not taken care of early.

Secondly, make sure you’re getting enough protein in your diet, as this will help slow further shedding and may even stimulate new growth. You’ll need to make sure that you’re eating a well-balanced diet with lots of protein and healthy fats like nuts, eggs, fish oil, and Biotin supplements.

This helps nourish the scalp, which will help stimulate growth while strengthening your existing hairs! Also, try using shampoos explicitly designed for black men who have experienced thinning. Let’s take a deeper dive into other options to improve a receding hairline in African American hair texture!


What is androgenetic alopecia?

Androgenetic alopecia is hair loss that commonly affects both men and women. In males, the hair disorder is also referred to as male-pattern baldness. Most people start to lose hair in a precise pattern, beginning above both temples and making its way toward the hairline. As a result, the mature hairline recedes and forms an identifiable “M” shape over time.

Hair loss is often an early symptom of androgenetic alopecia, a type of hair loss. There are two traditional medical treatments for male baldness: Finasteride and Minoxidil. In the United States, Minoxidil solutions are available over-the-counter, whereas Finasteride is only available by prescription. Note, because Finasteride is also used to treat an enlarged prostate, this is the reason you cannot purchase it over-the-counter.

What is Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)?

DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) is a male hormone produced in men’s testes, prostate, and women’s ovaries when the enzymes transform testosterone. DHT is a more potent hormone than testosterone that’s needed for most hair development, with the exception of the head.

The male hormone is responsible for front hair loss. DHT binds to receptors in hair follicles and shrinks them to produce weaker, thinner hairs. The genetic makeup of men prone to baldness makes them more susceptible DHT and fragile hair follicles. There is no link between DHT and female pattern baldness, which may be because the hormone causes male pattern baldness.

Usually, there are 3 signs that you are experiencing high levels of DHT.

  • Increased facial and body acne is a symptom of high DHT.
  • A receding frontal hairline is an indication of overproduction of DHT.
  • Hair loss at the temples and on the crown signifies increased DHT.

There are treatments on the market that can help block the effects of DHT. Finasteride is a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor that blocks the production of DHT.

Over-The-Counter Minoxidil Treatment

Minoxidil is a drug used to thicken and stimulate hair growth. It’s applied topically to thinning areas of the head to treat hair loss. There are currently two choices: a topical solution and a foam. For those with less severe hair loss, the 5% solution works better, whereas the foam is for individuals who require faster re-growth.

Apply a small amount of the Minoxidil solution on your scalp twice a day, or follow the directions on the package! Make sure not to apply too much, or you’ll end up with smelly or an oily scalp.

There are also some possible side effects, such as the possibility of excess dandruff and scalp irritation (very rare). However, It’s generally safe for most black men with hair loss! Continue using the product for the best results.

Rogaine is a leading brand for Minoxidil that has been around for over 30 years. It’s been on the market since 1988 for men and since 1991 for women. Its manufacturer, Pharmacia & Upjohn, has conducted many hair loss studies over the years, which have helped improve the product. However, it is less effective for black men with a receding hairline.

When it comes to Rogaine, many doctors will recommend this medication for other symptoms of baldness like thinning hair in the crown. For women, Rogaine is also a great option for hair thinning on the scalp.

Generally, Minoxidil produces results within two to four months of use, but it may take longer for some. It just depends on how fast your hair follicles are growing! Even if you see early results, you should continue to use the product since stopping will cause hair loss to resume. It does not address the actual cause of male pattern baldness, which is extra DHT on the scalp.

Prescription Finasteride (Propecia)

The class 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor, Finasteride, is a type of medication. Finasteride works by preventing the body’s production of a male hormone called DHT, which causes the prostate to grow in size. By treating the BPH issue, Finasteride helps to shrink the prostate and improve difficulty urination. Finasteride helps reverse and treat male pattern hair loss by stopping the body from making DHT male hormone in the scalp that causes hair loss.

Minoxidil is the first treatment approved by the FDA for baldness, followed by Finasteride. However, Finasteride is the first treatment that works effectively in treating many cases of baldness.

In general, Finasteride is more recommended as the first treatment option for receding hairline black men. Unlike Minoxidil, it can help reduce DHT production.


A great place to go for Minoxidil and prescription Finasteride is has a convenient online interface and offers products that combat hair loss in black men. You can set up an appointment with one of our specialists within 24 hours to start reversing the receding hairline.

You can rest assured a licensed board-certified doctor practicing in your state will be available to provide you with the best possible care. also offers one-on-one mental health therapy at $99/session. This can be a great way to address any underlying causes of your hair loss, such as stress or anxiety.

If you’re not sure if is right for you, hit the consultation button to have one of their experts contact you. This is a convenient way to get all of your questions answered before purchasing.

Visit for more information.


Both drugs (Minoxidil and Finasteride) are great but not a permanent solution when combined. Once you stop taking the treatments, your hair loss will start again in a matter of months. It’s a good idea to make hair loss treatment an everyday routine, and this will improve the chances of success.

Meaning you will need to take a finasteride pill and continue Minoxidil indefinitely. Meaning you’ll have to be committed and consistent if you want to keep your hair.

Hair transplant provides a more permanent solution for black men with receding hairlines. This surgical technique removes hair follicles from a donor site, usually the back of the head, and transplants them to a bald or balding part of the body called the recipient site. 

When considering the hair implant technique, it is important to understand that this surgery will not only be an invasive process and come with risks but also many unsuccessful treatments. The procedure can leave scars on the donor and recipient sites and may not provide a successful outcome for every black man.

With skilled and experienced surgeons, the failure rate for hair transplantation surgery is less than 5%. I couldn’t find any official stats, but through my independent research, the success rates for black men with receding hairlines were around 90%. Keep in mind that there’s a small percentage that some people will not see results.

A qualified and experienced surgeon should only perform the surgery. Choose a surgeon who is board certified by the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery. You want to minimize any risk of infection, damage to the skin, and other issues.

What you need to know about the price and hair transplant procedure

The cost of hair transplant surgery varies significantly by a surgeon, region, and severity of hair loss. However, hair transplant surgery typically costs between $4,000 and $15,000. Hair restoration surgery is considered a cosmetic treatment by most insurance companies. This means the entire expenses will likely be out of pocket.

Although the procedure is expensive, the hair growth in bald spots will be permanent or at least last a long time! For some people, this is well worth the money.

Hair transplantation is not a good idea for young people because they cannot find stable donor sites. Your skin shifts, including scalp laxity and hairline recession as you get older. If you’re under 21, stick to using Minoxidil or Finasteride for a few years.

New Advancement in hairline restoration treatment

There is a new therapy for hair loss that is based on platelet-rich plasma (PRP). It involves using your blood and scalp skin to promote hair growth. Since this therapy uses natural substances from your own body, there is little risk of negative side effects.

The treatment has already successfully treated male and female pattern baldness, alopecia areata, and other types of hair loss. Most African American candidates can benefit from this treatment method.

To get the best results, you will need to use this treatment alongside other solutions. Minoxidil will still be the base of your hair loss treatment while adding in PRP can further improve your results. In some cases, the price of stem treatment could be lower than a traditional hair transplant; it just depends. The first three treatments will cost around $1,500 to $3,500 each, with one injection costing at least $400.

Superfood And Supplements For Hair Regeneration

When you think about food that you need to eat for your hair, usually your mind goes to vegetables, fruits, nuts, and proteins. However, current research shows that several superfoods and supplements can help hair regeneration. Your scalp and hair follicles need folic acid: This water-soluble vitamin is mainly found in leafy green vegetables, legumes, and fruits.

The best superfood for hair loss contains a significant amount of this vitamin. Some examples include broccoli, asparagus, and oranges, high protein like salmon, peanuts, and soy is also a great choice.

If you’re not getting enough of these vitamins from your diet, you may want to consider taking a supplement. Supplements like biotin, vitamin C, magnesium, and zinc are vital nutrients for hair growth.

Keep in mind, the supplements alone can not fix black male hairline recessions. Most people have high expectations, thinking that a supplement will magically regrow their hair. The truth is, the supplements only enhance your results when combined with other treatments.

STOP Wearing Tight Hairstyles!

One way to slow down hair loss is to reduce the amount of tension you put on your hair. Eliminating tight hairstyles like cornrows, braids, and heavy locs that pull at the roots can help. If you can’t go without a style that pulls your hair tight, try wearing it looser or using fewer accessories.

Another hack to reduce hair pulling is to wear the base of the hairstyle at the crown.

The official terminology for hair pulling is called Traction Alopecia. It is a hair loss condition caused by repeatedly pulling on your hair. Most people don’t even know they have it until they lose hair. Traction Alopecia is more common in women, but men can get it as well.

Remember, rough hair grooming techniques can cause hair loss as well. Avoid tight hairstyles and harsh hair grooming techniques if you are experiencing hair thinning.

Conclusion for Receding Hairline Black Men

Most receding hairline black men often need multifaceted hair treatments to slow down baldness. This may include using Minoxidil, Finasteride, PRP therapy; those alone are not enough to treat the hair loss.

Companies like Hims & Hers Health, Inc. offer a variety of solutions for hair loss and revolutionize the way people treat hair loss. The company allows a discreet way for people to purchase their products without going to a pharmacy. However, the cheaper option for black men with thinning hairlines isn’t permanent and usually requires a lifetime commitment.

Black men with a severe case of balding should consider a hair transplant as a permanent solution. The surgery is expensive, but the results look more natural than ever before.

Before starting any hair loss treatments, it is important to speak with a trichologist first. The only way to treat hair loss is by medical professionals, so do not attempt self-diagnosis. Good luck to all the black men suffering from hair loss conditions, and take care of yourself!

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